Thank you to the Vertebrate Pest Research Unit within the Department of Primary Industry, and the National Feral Pig Action Plan for organising a very interesting and useful workshop on the potential role of feral ungulates (such as pigs, deer and cattle) in an outbreak of emergency animal disease (EAD). The workshop was attended by representatives from DAFF, DPI, QDAF, WA DPIRD, AgVic, AHA, MLA, National Feral Pig Action Plan, the University of Melbourne and AusVet. A lot of experience and expertise in the room including highly regarded private consultants Ron Glanville and Johann Schroder. The workshop looked at EAD/feral ungulate incursion scenarios, the potential for modelling to assist with both preparedness and response, and data requirements and limitations. Very relevant to the current AADIS modelling project 23F ‘Assessing the potential role of feral pigs in an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Australia’.