About Richard Bradhurst

Dr Richard Bradhurst is a Principal Research Fellow and Chief Investigator at the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA), University of Melbourne, Australia. He is the co-creator and principal developer of AADIS (the Australian Animal Disease Spread model, EuFMDiS (the European Transboundary Animal Disease model), and APPDIS (the Australian Plant Pest and Disease model). Richard specialises in the fusion of multiple modelling approaches (analytical, agent-based, network, and cellular automata), to simulate the spatiotemporal spread and control of emergency animal diseases, and plant and environmental pests.

A foot-and-mouth disease vaccine is in use overseas, so why isn’t Australia using it to protect our livestock?

By |2023-03-15T14:31:13+11:00July 17, 2022|AADIS News|

Article by ABC journalist @clint_jasper mentioning how the AADIS epidemiological model can help assess the benefits of suppressive ring vaccination during an FMD outbreak. A [...]

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