Bradhurst R., Camac J., Hollings T., Fletcher C. & Young K. (11-14 February 2025). Development of a decision support tool to assess the cost effectiveness of early detection surveillance systems for khapra beetle arriving via shipping containers. 69th Annual Conference of the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES25), Brisbane Qld.
Bradhurst R. (11-15 November 2024). EuFMDiS – the European foot-and-mouth disease spread model. FAO Special Session: Advocacy decision support tools for controlling animal diseases, improving animal health and production. 17th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE17), Sydney, Australia.
Oberin M., Brookes V., Stevenson M., Bradhurst R. and Firestone S. (11-15 November 2024). Development of camera trap surveillance to detect feral pig encounters at piggeries. 17th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE17), Sydney, Australia.
Siengsanan-Lamont J. & Owens J. (11-15 November 2024). Reasonable Worst-case Scenario For Foot-and-mouth Disease In South Australia, Using
The Australian Animal Disease Spread (AADIS) Model. 17th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE17), Sydney, Australia.
Al Riyami S., Bradhurst R., Sellens E., Taha H., Burns R., Roche S. & Breed A. (11-15 November 2024). Assessing the potential role of feral pigs in an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Australia. 17th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE17), Sydney, Australia.
Bradhurst R., Roche S., Sellens E., Garner G., Taha H., Camac J. & Breed A. (30 Oct 2024). Development of a decision support tool for potential outbreaks of lumpy skin disease in Australia. OS24 – Open Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (29-31 Oct 2024), Alcala de Henares, Spain.
Conrady B., Garner G., Boklund A., Houe H., Calvo-Artavia F.F., Mortensen S. & Bradhurst R. (30 Oct 2024). Can the Danish veterinary authorities achieve their key performance indicator targets in the event of FMD disease outbreaks? OS24 – Open Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (29-31 Oct 2024), Alcala de Henares, Spain.
Marschik T. (30 Oct 2024). Development of an analytical and data processing Tool (Adapt) for EuFMDiS model output. OS24 – Open Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (29-31 Oct 2024), Alcala de Henares, Spain.
Todorova V., Garner G., Mehmedbasic Z., Bradhurst R. & Alexandrov T. (10 Sept 2024). PPR simulation with EuFMDiS model – The importance of early detection. European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, South-Eastern Europe and THRACE Programme Management Meeting. Online.
Bradhurst R., Camac J., Hollings T., Fletcher C. & Young K. (28-29 August 2024). Modelling the incursion, spread, detection and control of khapra beetle in Australia. 3rd Australian Biosecurity Symposium, Gold Coast Qld.
Oberin M., Brookes V., Stevenson M., Bradhurst R. and Firestone S. (27-29 August 2024). Investigating domestic-feral pig interactions at an Australian piggery for the purposes of epidemiological modelling. Modelling in Animal Health Conference (ModAH 3), Nantes, France.
Sellens E., Camac J., Taha H., Bradhurst, R., Garner G., Breed A. and Roche S. (25-27 July 2024). Seasonal activity distributions of potential endemic vectors of lumpy skin disease in Australia. ANZCVS Veterinary Science Week 2024, Gold Coast Qld.
Bradhurst, R.A., Burroughs, A., Crosbie, A., Firestone, S.M., Stevenson, M.A., Robinson, A.P., van Andel M. (20-22nd March 2024). Development and use of an epidemiological model to estimate the sensitivity of a surveillance system comprising serological and bulk tank milk testing. SVEPM Conference 2024, Uppsala Sweden.
Rasmussen P., Mortensen S., Calvo-Artavia F.F., Houe H., Boklund A., Apenteng O.O., Garner G., Bradhurst R. & Conrady B. (20-22nd March 2024). Can the Danish veterinary authorities meet their key performance indicator targets in the event of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak? SVEPM Conference 2024, Uppsala Sweden.
Bradhurst R. (30th November 2023). Development and use of an epidemiological model to estimate the sensitivity of a surveillance system comprising serological and bulk tank milk testing. Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis CEBRAnar #18.
Bradhurst R. (15th November 2023). National modelling in support of emergency animal disease preparedness. HEAL Network 2023 Conference ‘Collective Action for Health, Environment and Climate’.

Bradhurst R., Garner G., Roche S., Kung N., Robinson B., Willis S., Richard K., Cowled B., Firestone S., Stevenson M., Oberine M., Tharle C., Naing L., Taha H., Sellens E., Breed A. (2023). Modelling the epidemiological interface between livestock and feral pigs in Australia. National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023, Cairns, Qld, Australia.

Oberin M., Brookes V., Stevenson M., Bradhurst R., Firestone S. (2023). Understanding feral-domestic pig interactions using camera trap surveillance. National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023, Cairns, Qld, Australia.

Geard N., Bradhurst R., Tellioglu N., Oktaria V., McVernon J., Handley A., & Bines J. E. (14th March 2023). Model-based estimation of the impact on rotavirus disease of RV3-BB vaccine administered in a neonatal or infant schedule. 14th International rotavirus symposium, 14-16 March 2023, Bali, Indonesia.
Sellens E., Bradhurst R., Garner G., Taha H., Camac J., Mackereth G., Breed A. & Roche S. (14-16th March 2023). Simulating the spread and control of lumpy skin disease in Australia. Lumpy skin disease symposium – how science can support evidence-based disease management and control. Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. Rome, Italy/Online,
Bradhurst R. (24th November 2022). Modelling the spread and control of African swine fever. Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis CEBRAnar #11.
Burroughs A. (7th December 2022). Are we there yet? Determining the evidence required to demonstrate Mycoplasma bovis eradication from Aotearoa, One Health Aotearoa Symposium 2022, Wellington, New Zealand.
Conrady B., Mortensen S., Nielsen S., Houe H., Calvo-Artavia F., Ellis-Iversen J., Boklund A. (October 2022). Simulation of FMD spread and mitigation measures in the Danish livestock population. Open Session of the EuFMD Standing Technical Committee. Marseille, France.
Seitzinger A., Hafi A., Garner G., Addai D., Breed A., Bradhurst R., Miller C., Tapsuwan S., Capon T. (October 2022). Reducing producer losses in a FMD outbreak through implementing trading zones. Open Session of the EuFMD Standing Technical Committee. Marseille, France.
Gibson K., Alexandrov T., Mintiens K., Garner G., Yadav S., Marschik T., Conrady B. (October 2022). Understanding the level of preparedness to use emergency vaccination for FAST diseases in European countries. Open Session of the EuFMD Standing Technical Committee. Marseille, France.
Marschik T., Kopacka I., Stockreiter S., Hoflechner-Poltl A., Vetterl S., Gibson K., Garner G., Hiesel J., Schmoll F., Kasbohrer A. (October 2022). Emergency vaccination as an additional measure to control a potential outbreak of FMD in Austria. Would it be useful? Open Session of the EuFMD Standing Technical Committee. Marseille, France.
Yadav S., Garner G., Bradhurst R., Mintiens K., Alexandrov T. (October 2022). Assessment of impacts of “Time to detection” of a FMD outbreak using a multi-country EuFMDiS model. Open Session of the EuFMD Standing Technical Committee. Marseille, France.
Bradhurst R. (24th August 2022). Application of modelling tools to support emergency preparedness. Pan American Health Organization PANAFTOSA PRE-COSALFA seminar.
Bradhurst R., Garner G., Roche., S., Iglesias R., Kung N., Robinson B., Willis S., Richards K., Cowled B., Stevenson M., Firestone S., Oberin M., Tharle C. & Breed A. (11 August 2022). Modelling the spread and control of African swine fever in domestic and feral pig populations in Australia. 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE16), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bradhurst R.  (11 August 2022). Incorporating wild populations into a spread model of emergency animal disease. 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE16), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bradhurst R., Garner G., Roche., S., Iglesias R., Kung N., Robinson B., Willis S., Richards K., Cowled B., Stevenson M., Firestone S., Oberin M., Tharle C. & Breed A. (4 May 2022). Modelling the spread and control of African swine fever in domestic and feral pig populations in Australia. 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium (BioSym2022), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Al Riyami S., Firestone S., Bradhurst R., Eagles D. & Stevenson M. (8th August 2022). The effect of climate change on the spread of bluetongue in Australian livestock. 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE16), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
de With N., Brown J., French S., Bradhurst R. & Garner G. (7th August 2022). Modelling foot-and-mouth disease in Canada (CanDIS-FMD). 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE16), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bradhurst, R., Garner, G., Roche, S., Iglesias, R., Kung, N., Robinson, B., Willis, S., Cozens, M., Richards, K., Cowled, B., Oberin, M., Tharle, C., Firestone, S. & Stevenson, M. (2nd December 2021). Modelling the spread and control of a potential outbreak of African swine fever in domestic and feral pigs in Queensland. Australian Veterinary Association Centenary Week Conference (AVA2021), online.
Stevenson M. & Bradhurst R. (22nd November 2021). Predictive modelling of M. bovis in New Zealand. Ministry for Primary Industries Mycoplasma bovis Science Conference.
Bradhurst R. (6th September 2021). Modelling the spread, detection and control of exotic and endemic plant pests. National Fruit Fly Council webinar.
Bradhurst R. (2nd June 2021). Biosecurity response decision support framework. Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) Over the Horizon Biosecurity Workshop.
Bradhurst R., Garner G., Yadav S., De La Puente M., Lange M., Thulke H-H., Vicente J., Garrido G.C. & Mintiens K. (January 2021). Modelling the spread of transboundary animal disease in and between domestic and wild swine populations. Open Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
Stevenson M. (November 2019). Case study: Detection of BTV-positive cattle in Echuca Victoria 2017. USDA APHIS Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
Firestone S., Lau M., Hayama Y., Lau M., Kodikara S., Bradhurst R. and Stevenson M. (28-29th August 2019). Inferring outbreak transmission networks. Australian Biosecurity Symposium 2019 (BioSym19), Gold Coast, Qld, Australia.
de la Puente M. (29th April 2019). Tools for better emergency preparedness and contingency plans: GET Prepared and EuFMDiS. Pan American Health Organization PANAFTOSA PRE-COSALFA seminar, 29-30 April 2019, Cartagena, Columbia.
Vosloo W., Breed A., Capon T., Durr P., Yiheyis M., Hernandez-Jover M. (13th February 2019). Foot and mouth disease: are we prepared for an outbreak? Australian Veterinary Association Conference (AVA2019), Perth Australia.
Firestone S., Hayama Y., Lau M., Yamamoto T., Nishi T., Bradhurst R., Kodikara S., Demirhan H., Stone L., Stevenson M. (13th February 2019). Reconstructing transmission networks for FMD outbreaks. Australian Veterinary Association Conference (AVA2019), Perth, Australia.
Bradhurst R. (13th February 2019). How agent-based models can help with biosecurity. Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Conference (AARES2019).
Al Riyami S., Firestone S., Eagles D., Bradhurst R., Iglesias R., Garner G., East I. & Stevenson M. (November 2018). Modelling the spatial distribution of the bluetongue vector Culicoides brevitarsis in Australia. 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE15), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Firestone S., Hayama Y., Bradhurst R., Yamamoto T., Stevenson M. & Tsutsui T. (November 2018). Reconstructing foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks: a methods comparison of transmission network models. 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE15), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Bradhurst, R., Garner, G., East, I., Death, C., Dodd, A. and Kompas, T (30th October 2018). Modelling management strategies for vaccinated animals after an outbreak of FMD and the impact on return to trade. Open Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (OS18), Borgo Egnazia, Puglia, Italy.
Garner G., Hovari M., Bradhurst R., de la Puente M., Sumption K. (29th October 2018). Modelling vaccine requirements for multi-country FMD outbreaks in Europe. Open Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (OS18), Borgo Egnazia, Puglia, Italy.
Firestone S., Hayama Y., Bradhurst R., Yamamoto T., Stevenson M. & Tsutsui T. (May 2018). Modelling who infected whom in outbreaks. Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, (AVA2018), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Bradhurst R., Roche S., Garner G., Sajeev A.S.M. & Kwan P. (December 2013). Modelling the spread of livestock disease on a national scale: the case for a hybrid approach. 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, (MODSIM2013), Adelaide, Australia.

Australian Animal Disease Spread Model

Supported by the Australian Deparment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry